The Narrow Gate Podcast
The Narrow Gate Podcast
If You Think You Love The Narcissist, What You Really Love is The Fake Persona They Have Presented to You

If You Think You Love The Narcissist, What You Really Love is The Fake Persona They Have Presented to You

It's not real

It’s an illusion. There is no love there. There is no truth in what they say or do.

The reason you feel confused and frustrated is because there is no love in the relationship.

It’s all an act. Behind the mask is nothing but anger, jealousy, and rage.

Episode # 41

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels

The Narrow Gate Podcast
The Narrow Gate Podcast
This podcast is a follow-on from The Narrow Gate Newsletter. We are discussing the journey of healing, growth, and transformation from a Christian perspective.